Average Time To Settle Homeowners Claim

time to settle homeowners claim

What is the average time to settle a homeowners claim?  Does it seem like you are waiting and waiting and waiting and nothing seems to be happening on your homeowners claim?  Are you curious what the average time to settle homeowners claim should be?

What is the Average Time To Settle Homeowners Claim in Florida?

There is a 90-day rule in place, and insurance companies know this.  So, this means that they have plenty of time to keep asking questions or not answer phones or emails or claim they are investigating it, etc.  Often times, what goes on over there is that they have so many claims that they are trying to handle, that they fall behind and they just cant get your claim handled.  These claims go beyond 90 days.  THIS IS NOT YOUR PROBLEM.  IT’S THEIR PROBLEM because they are not in compliance with the law!    I was told once by a claim rep that I know that she currently had more than 130 files she was working at one time. This is what she said, and at the same time, she was told by her supervisor that she is not ALLOWED to handle any more than 80 at a time.  How does that work?

So here is the scoop:  Here is an excerpt from the actual law.  Insurers in Florida have a 90 rule:

627.70131  Insurer’s duty to acknowledge communications regarding claims  

“Within 90 days after an insurer receives notice of an initial, reopened, or supplemental property insurance claim from a policyholder, the insurer shall pay or deny such claim or a portion of the claim unless the failure to pay is caused by factors beyond the control of the insurer which reasonably prevent such payment.”

I routinely leave 20 to 30 voicemails and emails every day and sometimes I don’t get called back for a week.

Truth be told, there are some adjusters that work fast and do their best to not have files backing up.  They come into work and they really try to settle claims and get files off their desks to make room for new insurance claim files.  This can speed up the average time to settle homeowners claim. They answer phones and emails and they can be quite helpful.  Many insurance claim adjusters are not, however.  

Contact my office for help or advice:

My name is Alan Himmel and I am a public adjuster and my company, Florida Allstar Public Adjusting has been around for over a decade.  My job is to help people with their insurance claims to get them the best settlement possible. Let me speed up the average time to settle homeowners claim.  Let me deal with the stress of dealing with your adjuster.  I am always happy to talk to you about your claim. If you need help, call me and I will answer your questions.  954.659.8333 Alan Himmel, Public Adjuster.



