Fire Claim

Fire Claim!

You had a fire, the fire department came to your property and sprayed water. By the time the fire was extinguished, every room in your propery was engulfed in smoke and the rest was soaked with water. It smells terrible and the smoke left black soot all over everything. Your insurance company is likely going to pay you 20% of what your claim is actually worth. Stop what you are doing and call us at 954.659.8333. WE CAN HELP!

Many times fires start in the kitchen area when something is left unattended on the stove or in the oven. But, fires can start anywhere in your home or business.

We have handled fire damage claims caused by electrical shorts, gasoline igniting in the garage, grease fires in the kitchen, etc. In any case, the devastation from a fire in your home or business is disastrous. Fires will leave your property completely unlivable and in need of complete restoration, To make matters worse, the fire department who put out the fire, sprayed thousands of gallons of water into your home. Now, you have an even bigger mess. Even in areas where there was no fire, you now have water damage and potential mold.

What do you do? You’ve lost everything including furniture, heirlooms, photos, and art.

If you have recently had any type of fire claim, big or small, please call us. We are happy to help you and help you through this most stressful process. We handle claims throughout the state of Florida. Please call our main office at 954-659-8333.

Fire damage claim?

Call F.A.P.A. @ 954-659-8333 for a

