Can You Cash an Insurance Claim Check?

Can You Cash an Insurance Claim Check? Many of my clients ask me, can you cash an insurance claim check? My answer that is, “it depends.” There are a few factors which you have to look at before that question can be answered. Does the home have a mortgage? Who is the check made out […]
Using Home Insurance Claim Money

Using Home Insurance Claim Money Do you need to know the rules when it comes to using home insurance claim money? I see many people get in trouble after they receive their insurance settlement. What they do is they take their check and deposit it. Once they do this, they use the money to pay […]
How do Insurance Companies Pay Out Claims?

How do Insurance Companies Pay Out Claims? Here is a good question: How Do Insurance Companies Pay Out Claims? Well, there is a little guy sitting at his desk with a checkbook and he wants to know your name because he wants to make the check payable to you. Of course, that’s not exactly true. […]
Claim Closed Without Payment

It’s a very common complaint. “My claim closed without payment.” Or, I called the insurance company and they told me my claim was closed. Well, you may be asking what does this mean? Is it possible to reopen a closed or denied claim? Maybe. FAPA has a lot of success with reopening denied claims Please […]
Are Public Adjusters Worth It?

A common question is, “are public adjusters worth it?” It’s a good question because public adjusters charge fees. Whether something is worth or not is entirely dependent on what the cost is and what the consumer gets out of it in the end. For a person to determine whether it is worth it to use […]
Appraisal vs Mediation in Property Damage Insurance Disputes

Appraisal vs mediation. Which do you choose? If you are in the middle of an insurance claim on your house and you cannot seem to get your claim settled, you might want to consider either appraisal or mediation rather than to seek a lawyer. Let’s break it down in simple terms: First, it’s important to […]
What are the Pros and Cons of Using a Public Adjuster?

Having been handling homeowner insurance claims for more than a decade, clients ask, “what are the pros and cons of using a public adjuster?” The Pros – The Plusses: In terms of the advantages, one of the most obvious reasons why you will benefit is that you will have a licensed, experienced, advocate on your […]
$10,000 Water Damage Limit Will Ruin Your Day

Check your Homeowners Insurance Policy for a water damage limit! We are seeing $10,000 water damage caps with many homeowners insurance companies now. The first company in Florida to add the $10,000 water damage limit to their policies was Citizens Insurance. Then, soon after, many homeowners insurance companies started adding this dreaded water damage cap. […]
Home Disaster Inventory Checklist

Do you keep an inventory of the items in your home? If not, we recommend you to start making a Home Disaster Inventory Checklist today. There are apps that can handle this. The following is a simple app that you can put on your phone: Here is a great page which reviews several home inventory […]
Largest Public Adjuster Firms in Florida

biggest public adjuster